Porn Makes Me Feel Far From God

Sin hates your life. Truly. Every survey on porn tells us that a lot of Jesus-loving Christians struggle with pornography.

How many times have you begged God to take your porn addiction away? Maybe you’ve lost count. Have you ever felt like your prayers go unanswered? That silence can be deafening. But we don’t want you to be satisfied with those current realities.

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We know this is a sensitive matter. Don’t worry, the only people who will know are the people you invite to walk this journey with you.

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We know our service will help you in your journey to find freedom from pornography, but if you don’t love it in 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund. Learn more.

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Keep reading. We want to help you rediscover the Lord of your life and a life where porn is dead and not just “managed.”

Pastor Oswald Chambers says: “Have you made the following decision about sin – that it must be completely killed in you? It takes a long time to come to the point of making this complete and effective decision about sin.” He goes on to say, “Pull yourself up, take some time alone with God, and make this important decision, saying, “Lord, identify me with Your death until I know that sin is dead in me.”

Make the moral decision that sin in you must be put to death.

Where do I start?

Recommended Resources

Learn more about how porn impacts your life


STRIVE is a powerful 21-day porn detox that helps men understand why they go to porn in the first place and why they should break free. It equips men with the knowledge, tools, and accountability needed to quit porn and begin to live the life to which God is calling them.


“There are no atheists in foxholes.” This statement from the battlefield reminds us that in moments of intense fear or threat, everyone turns to God. If you’re going to turn back to God, know right now that sin will NOT give up its ground easily. Whatever you choose to fight will fight you back. 

Have you ever watched a movie about DDay? The scenes are intense and graphic. It was a tangled mix of abject fear and intense focus on a single task. Kill or be killed. Is that similar to how you are going to approach your battle with porn? We hope so. 

Now, here’s the good part. You don’t have to fight alone. If getting started at Covenant Eyes feels like a battle, contact our Member Care Team, and we'll join you on the battlefield.

When and where are you most relaxed? Most focused? Where is your favorite spot on earth? Go spend an extended amount of time there and go look God in the face. 

Our God is not distant – it’s our mind that often runs away from Him. “Be still and know that I am God” (Ps. 46:10) is not a suggestion to go take a nap. It’s a call to actively seek the face of God through a zoomed in, knuckled down, focus on Him.

Make a Complete Decision about Sin

Be Still and Know

You're at War, Pray Like It 

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How We Can Help

For over 20 years, Covenant Eyes has used software and content to help over a million people quit porn.

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Hobbies and Habits

Your Brain on Porn

Can your hobbies and daily habits really help you find freedom from porn? Learn how to harness the power of habit to quit porn for good.

Pornography changes how you think. Learn the five ways porn warps your brain and five Biblical ways to renew your mind.

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