Everyone's journey to a porn-free life is unique. Whether you've made it one year, a month, or a day, we want to celebrate your victory. 

Real-Life Victory Stories

There have been years in my life where a day didn’t pass without me watching porn. But now, I am entering a life where there are free days and free weeks. I am hoping one day to have free months and years. It is hard, [and] it has many ups and downs. But I can look at my girlfriend, my friends and family, and I can know I am getting better for them. That is freedom.

Praise be to God, I have not even had the desire to look at porn since I began using Covenant Eyes beginning February 1 of this year.

This month marks my one year of victory over pornography! As a woman, it’s been difficult to talk about struggling with this. It was through my family at Celebrate Recovery where I found people like me – women who love Jesus and struggle with pornography. Covenant Eyes has changed my life. The accountability is unmatched, and the freedom is priceless!

I am coming up on four years porn-free after 20 years of addiction. I'm thankful for the freedom but still am working on repairing the damage it has done in my life and in my marriage...While I'm no longer tempted to seek out porn, every once in a while, a tempting ad will cause a momentary temptation to stray, like the wayward wife in Proverbs, and I am thankful that I have Covenant Eyes there to remind me not to go there. There is too much at stake.

I used to be heavily addicted to porn. I couldn’t spend a week without watching porn. Even after I got saved and started going to church, this problem persisted. My pastor recommended this app and I started using it to keep myself accountable. God did a miracle after I made this decision. I’ve been porn-free for over 6 months now and I’ve never felt so victorious. Thank God and thank Covenant Eyes!

With CovenantEyes, I've been able to be free from porn for 4 weeks. I've had victory in the past without it, but it didn't last. It hasn't been easy. As a Christian, my fleshly desires are always there wanting to go back to porn, but the fact that I have accountability is helping me stay away from it...He is pleased with every small step you take to gain victory over this. You are not alone!

Since starting Covenant Eyes, I can proudly say I have been porn-free for 2 years and 4 days. I have had immeasurable love, support, and encouragement from my family and my wife. I finally feel like I don't have this dark cloud/dirty secret that's just waiting to be found out.

Covenant Eyes gave me the first steps I needed to get clean. I have now been clean for 4 years, am recently married, and have a deeper connection with God.

My husband has been freed through Christ from his previous porn addiction for over a year now. God is restoring what sin divided in our marriage and Covenant Eyes played a big role in accountability for my husband and many others.

We’ve got a 30 Day Money-Back Guarantee and you’ve got nothing to lose.

Want to share your story?

Recovery isn’t one-size-fits-all. Everyone's story is unique, and everyone's journey to quit porn is equally unique. We would love to hear your unique story and share it, so it can help others see and believe that victory over the temptation of porn is possible!

Don’t worry. We understand this is a sensitive issue. You can remain completely anonymous if you wish.

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Every day we hear countless amazing stories from people who are finding victory over porn.

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Whether you're just taking your first steps or have been living in victory for years, we would love to hear your story!

Everyone's journey to a porn-free life is unique. Whether you've made it one year, a month, or a day, we want to celebrate your victory. 

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