I Want To Help My Husband Quit Porn

We get it. Your husband has been watching porn, and it hurts.

There is hope! We’ve seen countless marriages restored.

It will take work and commitment from both of you. But we’ll walk with you every step of the way.

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We Are Here to Help You Win

100% Confidential

We know this is a sensitive matter. Don’t worry, the only people who will know are the people who are invited and agree to walk this journey with your husband.

Safe and Secure

Blurred screenshots are encrypted using AES 256 bit encryption (The same encryption as your bank) and sent over HTTPS. We never send un-blurred screenshots.

We know our service will help your husband in his journey to find freedom from pornography, but if you don’t love it in 30 days, we’ll give you a full refund. Learn more.

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Keep reading. We’re here to help you find hope and healing for your marriage.

Where do I start?

Recommended Resources

Learn more about how porn impacts your life.


Join Brandon and Tonia Clark on a candid 14-day journey, where they reveal the harmful impact porn had on their marriage and share what they did to find healing and hope in a seemingly hopeless situation. Each day you’ll receive a brief video along with supplemental readings, questions, and Scripture reflections to learn more about each other’s journeys and help you draw closer as a couple.


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How We Can Help

For over 20 years, Covenant Eyes has used software and content to help over a million people quit porn. Watch the video below to learn how it works.

Register for Restored Vows


Hope After Porn

Porn and Your Husband

In Hope After Porn, you will read stories from four women who have personally known the devastation pornography can cause in a marriage and learn how their marriages were saved in spite of it.

A wife who's discovered her husband’s porn use may wonder if she did something wrong or why she didn’t notice the signs earlier, or whether she will ever be able to trust him again. This free ebook answers some of the common questions about this situation.

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©2021 Covenant Eyes


My husband is looking at porn. What should I do?

Can our marriage be saved?

Is his porn use my fault?

How long does it take to heal?

Should I be my husband's accountability partner?

Restored Vows: A Porn Recovery Series for Couples

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